Palestinian independence and Abbas’ term: global perspectives

5 min readFeb 20, 2024

21.4% of respondents are in favour of Mahmoud Abbas’ resignation, against 15.9% who supported his continuation in office

In this article, we turn our attention to a figure that stands at the forefront of one of the most complex geopolitical landscapes: President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine. As the helmsman of the Palestinian administration, Abbas’ tenure has been marked by a multitude of challenges and milestones that have resonated beyond the borders of the Middle East. It is important to note that our research will concentrate on gauging the perspectives of the global public regarding his leadership. We will intentionally steer clear of the intricacies of the current political climate, focusing instead on the broader strokes of international opinion that shape and reflect the global community’s reception of President Abbas’s role on the world stage.


Omniki.survey asked people from the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Israel about their opinion on the president of Palestine and whether or not he should resign. The findings yielded some unexpected results: 46.4% of respondents were unaware of Mahmoud Abbas’s identity. Analysis revealed a higher recognition in France, where 31.6% could identify him, and in Israel, where this figure rose to 58.6%, in contrast to a markedly lower level of awareness in the USA, the UK, and Germany.

Regarding the matter of resignation, a majority of 62,7% of participants chose not to express a view, yet 21.4% were in favour of his resignation, against 15.9% who supported his continuation in office.

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This subject requires examination from various angles. To ensure the most impartial responses, Omniki.survey employs the river-sampling technique, which constructs a sample online without prior enlistment of participants into a panel. In this research model, individuals are recruited through online banners, targeted advertisements, and social media posts.

Despite his prominent role on the international stage, Mahmoud Abbas remains a relatively obscure figure to the general public. Interestingly, socio-demographic factors play a significant role in this awareness. Men, for instance, show a higher likelihood of recognizing who Mahmoud Abbas is. This recognition is less common among those who consider their financial situation to be poor or below average, suggesting that economic well-being may correlate with political awareness. Notably, in Europe, it is the older generation, typically more secure in their financial standing, who exhibit greater interest in political figures. Respondents from Israel demonstrate considerably higher levels of familiarity with Mahmoud Abbas, reflecting the closer geopolitical ties and the direct impact of his political actions in the region.

In the discourse surrounding Mahmoud Abbas’ leadership and the question of his potential resignation, a notable pattern of ambivalence emerges, particularly among European respondents. A significant portion of this demographic demonstrates a reluctance to take a definitive stance on the issue.

However, among those who do hold an opinion, gender, age, geography, and financial status reveal distinctive trends. Men are more inclined to support the notion that Mahmoud Abbas should step down, a sentiment echoed by 25.1% of this group. This perspective gains more traction among the younger and middle-aged adults, particularly those aged 25–34, as well as among individuals from Israel, where as many as 41% believe in the call for resignation. Economic security also seems to be a contributing factor, with 29.2% of respondents who describe their financial situation as average or good favouring Abbas’ resignation.

Conversely, the view that President Abbas should remain in office is predominantly held by women, with an equal percentage of 19.2% expressing this opinion. The older generation, notably those aged 65 and over, are more inclined to support Abbas’ continuance, along with respondents from Israel and individuals with a very good financial situation, of whom 23.8% are against the resignation.

Despite these expressed views, a significant majority, 62.7% of respondents, express uncertainty or find it difficult to answer. This indecision is particularly prevalent among women, 67% of whom are unsure, and among those aged 55–64. In Europe, specifically in Germany, the UK, and France, the level of uncertainty rises to 71.9%, and is notably high among those who rate their financial situation as bad, at 53.1%.

During Mahmoud Abbas’ presidency, there have been significant efforts towards Palestinian state-building, and a push for international recognition of Palestinian statehood, including a successful bid for non-member observer state status at the UN. However, his tenure has also faced challenges, including internal Palestinian political division and ongoing tensions with Israel.

Consequently, a minority of respondents across the surveyed regions believe Abbas is an independent politician, with the highest percentage in Israel at 23.1%. In contrast, a significant portion of respondents in France perceive him as acting on external instructions (33.6%), which is the highest among the surveyed countries. Moreover, respondents who are not refraining to respond generally agreed that he represents the interests of the Arabs from Palestine. Nevertheless, public opinion generally tends to incline that under his presidency Palestine shall not become an independent state.

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